In the mid-1950s, to raise charitable gifts for the construction of Moreau Seminary, Rev. Richard Grimm, C.S.C., and Rev. Charles Callahan, C.S.C., established the Holy Cross Associate Family comprised of parents, family, and friends of Holy Cross religious and seminarians.
The Holy Cross Associate Family successfully raised money to build Moreau Seminary and created a network of friends and family demonstrating ongoing interest in the work of Holy Cross. In 1964, just six years after Moreau Seminary was dedicated, Rev. William McAuliffe, C.S.C., transformed the Holy Cross Associate Family into the Holy Cross Association with a focus on direct mail support for the operational needs of Moreau Seminary and for Holy Cross House. What made the Holy Cross Association’s direct mail program unique was Fr. McAuliffe’s pastoral and individual outreach to each name on the mailing list.
In keeping with its tradition, the Holy Cross Association continues a pastoral and personal direct mail and email program to nearly 10,000 households. Along with maintaining its “parish without walls,” the Association accepts Mass intentions, distributed and acquitted by Holy Cross priests in the United States, Bangladesh, Chile, and East Africa, and perpetual prayer enrollments.
The Association also offers a unique variety of Holy Cross prayer cards custom produced for any occasion, including intentions for Mass, perpetual prayer enrollments, prayers for healing, birthday or anniversary wishes, and so much more. You can join your prayer intentions in the perpetual votive candle at the University of Notre Dame Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes or request Lourdes Water from the spring at the Grotto of Massabielle, France.
Repose of the Soul of a Deceased Family Member or Friend: Basilica of the Sacred Heart
Repose of the Soul of a Deceased Family Member or Friend: Crucifix
For the Living/Special Intentions: Jesus Christ our Savior
For the Living/Special Intentions: Jesus Christ our Savior with border
Golden Treasury Enrollment- Golden Dome
Golden Treasury Enrollment- Mary and Infant Jesus
Lourdes Water
There is no charge for the water but we suggest an offering of $5.00 per bottle to cover material and shipping costs.
Light a Candle at the Grotto
At the Grotto on the campus of the University of Notre Dame, hundreds of votive candles burn brightly night and day as expressions of prayer for special intentions. The living flame of each candle is a beautiful symbol of both prayer and hope. At the Grotto, one special perpetual candle is maintained to symbolize and commemorate the special needs and intentions requested from our community of faith who participate in the Confraternity.